Monday, November 23, 2009

Am NOT!!!

I did NOT desert y'all!!! It's just hard to think of something to post when you're surrounded by yuckieness.

Every once in a while in vetmed you have a day when cases seem to implode on you.
Today is such a day.

I have the following train wrecks currently in progress:
1) CRF cat that suddenly went anuric and I can't get to make urine with Lasix
2) Several cats with "mystery illness" that have fevers and feel crappy but have NO bloodwork abnormalities except for a MILD increase in WBCs. I'm "shotgunning" them but not much luck yet...
3) A dog with Histoplasmosis. My 5th this year...
4) A cat that had a horrible reaction to her vaccines Saturday and was throwing up all weekend...

You get the picture??? I'll try to post a good story later today...

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