I've often been asked if I'm a "cat or dog person" but I always find that difficult to answer. I have both and enjoy both. Had horses prior to vet school but they died due to old age and I haven't had an appropriate opportunity since to get more. Really, I enjoy them all. If pressed, I would probably admit, however, that I have a tendency towards cats. Likely, it's my personality speaking since I would definitely be a cat if I were an animal...
Usually, I chunk all of my important junk in my purse at night and it sits on the counter often partially unzipped. I must remember to zip it completely or put it away where the cats cannot get it from now on.
Last night one of the cats raided and pilfered from my purse! She (I guess I should say allegedly since I can't really prove who the culprit is) stole both sets of keys, my watch, and a pen. I thought that was all and had recovered them this morning prior to going to work to check on my hospitalized patient. Only now did I discover differently. I got called about my patient and had to go back to get some anti-nausea medication for him only to discover no ID badge to get in to pharmacy. I frantically searched for several minutes before the truth dawned. Fortunately, one of my colleagues was there and loaned me their badge to get the drug. I came back to the apartment and demanded that the loot be handed over. Took me a little while to find the stash...there was another pen hiding too!
Cats! Gotta love 'em....
5 years ago
Cats always keep things interesting! I had a cat once who liked shiny pretty things. I had to be very cautious about my jewelry. She would take off with it if I left it in her reach!
Cats? no way san jose. Gimme a dog anyday anytime.
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