Perhaps I'm being too harsh but y'all can call me an ass if you want, I don't think it will change my mind on either of the two situations I'm about to relate.
Number one, brother dearest lost his driver's license and for some unexplainable reason needed one of us to call about getting a duplicate. My darling aunt called to ask me to do it since "it was my day off." Um, no. I am not getting sucked into it. I'm not getting involved in his crap, I'm not dancing as his slave just because he's the special male, and just because it's my day off does not mean I don't have things of my own to take care of, thank you.
Number two, see how hard this is to figure out. I had to go to the clinic Saturday to take care of a couple of things with Sam (my boss was on duty.) I got there around 2:15 and was there until about 5:15. During that time, the good kennel worker (who was not on duty) came by to check on the little stray that I've managed to finagle the finders into surrendering so that he can be properly taken care of rather than receiving poor attention. She mentioned that she came by again because she had been there in the morning and the kennel worker on duty aroused suspicions so she wanted to check back. What bothers you about this? The kennel worker was at the clinic between 10-11:30 and upon leaving had clocked herself in and out for 4:20-5:30 that evening. She did not show up while I was there. If she came, she had to have come between 11:30 and 2:15 (awfully short time between coming to walk the dogs, etc.) or after 5:30 when it is already dark. If it were up to me, she would have been fired long ago but if, for some unexplainable reason she was not, she would be gone now. My boss, on the other hand, asked her in some doofy way if she had come and she gave him a cock and bull story that made no sense and he seemed okay with it. Either he's a lot dumber than I thought or he hates conflict to the point of negligence. I would have asked her what time she came and gave her the chance to lie to me.
So there it is. Maybe I'm being mean but I just don't care in either case. If I ran the world, there would be a lot more people who were forced to step up and take responsibility...
5 years ago
Nope, not an ass. Although it might be a bit much to expect someone to, um, actually do the work for which they're being paid ....
An adult who can't handle calling the DMV and getting a duplicate license issued on their own deserves to walk.
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