Being back in the university setting as an intern has offered new, unexpected challenges. It has been difficult for me to become accustomed to students who are not motivated. As a student, I was extremely OCD and enjoyed having multiple cases. I probably drove clinicians crazy with my compulsion to be completely in the loop and have some "say" in the decision making process. I find it difficult to comprehend those students that whine "Oh dear, I have two whole cases and can't keep up with either!!!" There are so many of them that just don't even seem to appreciate what they are doing. On the other hand, of course, are those that are truly a pleasure to work with; they take wonderful care of their cases, don't complain, and work very hard. It is impossible not to have favorites with this situation...
Interestingly and unexpectedly, I am thoroughly enjoying teaching. Did not think that I would... The other challenge is the multitude of egos. The egos are much easier to deal with here than they were in New York, though!
Seeing some interesting cases which brings me to a "public service announcement" as dear friend Can'tSpell likes to say. Please, please, please do not feed your dog bones!!!! I know, it seems natural and normal but you don't realize what trouble can be caused. We had to remove a bone from the caudal esophagus of a little dog the other day that had been there for 2 weeks. It was fed on purpose and the owners put off treatment thinking the problem would go away. We had to open the abdomen and thorax, access the esophagus through the thorax incision. There were perforations in the esophagus and it was partially necrotic. We chose not to do a resection / anastomosis but to remove the bone and place a feeding tube to bypass the area and allow it to heal. The dog is currently septic (bacteria in bloodstream) although she seems to be improving a little but she is definitely not out of the woods!! So now the owners are left with $1000's invested and not even sure yet if the little dog will survive all for the sake of a bone.
I am very pleased to have my cats with me again. They have finally decided that it is safe to come out of the bedroom and into the rest of the house. Watching them learn to interact with the dogs again is quite amusing and they have toys strewn throughout the house. Last night, they stole my watch off the counter, as if there aren't enough toys!! The dogs are also happier; they are playing again and not so grumpy.
Speaking of grumpy, I'm a little less so myself now since I am no longer on the vampire duty. Don't find myself craving blood so much now that I'm awake in daylight. Funniest part is that I rarely sleep any more hours than I did during the day but feel so much more rested. I am not a night person but definitely prefer the early a.m.
Unfortunately, I don't have any wonderfully amusing stories to share but thought it might be a good time to catch up a little. Can't Spell hasn't done a good job keeping posts up lately although I know she has some amusing stories to share. Maybe I'll have something better soon.
5 years ago
I am very jealous that you have cats and dogs that get along. Maybe I should ditch the MD thing and go to vet school so I can learn how to make that happen here! Do they teach you that in vet school?
Glad to hear that, for the most part, the new gig is good!
Welcome to teaching :) I have had 11 years and was actually just sitting here reflecting on some of the interesting past students when I saw your post!
I have to remind myself that half of any group will follow a bell curve.. you can't have them all keen and motivated. They bothered to come and train - but, sometimes, their attitude sucks.
If it is any help at all, look for the good in them, find their strengths and accept their weaknesses. Sometimes, what you now see as the also-rans, will go on to surprise you!
Might go do that writing - watch the four paws space :)
did it
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