... you just love to do. You know the type, you get this gratifying glow of satisfaction, either because it's fun, or done something good, or whatnot. Some procedures just are like that.
I have two of those that I just love to do. One is castrations. Now, I'm not a feminist nut thinking everything must be castrated (however, just why does your dog need his testicles, anyway?) but I do immensely enjoy the procedure. Mainly because of this gratifying POP feeling/sound as you squeeze the testicle out of your incision and free it from the surrounding fascia. It is soooooo fun. Lots of people look at me weird when I say that, but it's kinda like popping a zit, or squeezing a grape out of it's skin.
Another procedure I really like is shaving maggots. Not because I enjoy maggots, but because it gives me a nice glow inside to finish and then see an area that was nasty and dirty and full of the little suckers and see a clean wound with no wriggly things in it.
Another is lancing abscesses. I think we all like those. I like doing aural hematomas, too. Those really like to fly!!! Course, all of the above except for the castration are procedures you definitely want to keep your mouth closed while doing.
My assistant found that out the hard way the other day.
Oops. :)
5 years ago
OK. I'm grossed out. That almost never happens. Good job!
What can I say, I'm gifted. Sorry to make you grossed out!
Haha oh man, you had me right up until the part about keeping your mouth closed...yuck!
I new their was a reason we allways adopted male dogs;)
I have worse gross stories but I'm saving them for a slow day.
Please send them out, I have 3 cats and 2 dogs.....all but one is a rescue. All were "sick" in various ways. I'm used to "gross".
BTW I love your blog:)
I'm glad you guys enjoyed this one. hehehehehehehe
Lancing abscesses is pretty cool especially when you put hydrogen peroxide and it bubbles out. I've added you to my blog roll. Keep up with the great stories!
You had me at castrations---that was so funny, please keep up the blog---i'm checking it everyday!
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